2006-04-23 9:24 p.m.


i seriously sat with the phone in my hand staring at it for like 15 minutes. i did the same yesterday too. staring, a little shaky. and yesterday i gave up because i had to pee and then leave the house. but today i pressed send, then cursed myself, then waited, and it was actually okay. i didn't make a fool of myself. got a joke or two in. about doghousing. and yeah. got off the phone really quick. short and sweet. or short and holycrapmyheartisbeatingsoihavetogetoffthephonebeforeichoke. either or.

hopefully this will go well, it's rare that my hopes get this high. i was hoping for a tuesday date (fewer people, cheap drinks) but it looks like it's thursday or friday now.

my heart's still beating pretty hard.

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